Ecological Coal!

Revolutionary Coal! Pretty much the only ecologically conscious product that we have found thus far, to burn on our stove aside from wood. And the problem with a 57foot narrowboat is that there is only so much wood that you can store on the roof and season properly. And inevitably we tend to run out by Christmas. But this does include lots of additional campfire activity alongside pure heating for the boat, so I am not complaining.


So annually around the Christmas period we run out of our woodpile and require some coal. And this year I feel we’ve found the best option that there is out there, Ecoal50. The E represents its ecological merits and the 50 represents 50% of it’s mass is made from Olive stones (biomass), renewable material that has undergone a process called torre faction that applies intense heat and pressure (just how traditional house coal is made naturally over millions of years under ground). CPL who manufacture Ecoal50, can replicate this process in less than a week, and what we end up with is a super clean burning carbon based product that gets mixed with a standard coal mix. Ecoal50 emits up to 80% less smoke and 25% less Co 2 than traditional house coal, and burns up to 40% longer.


Why haven’t we heard of this before? It’s such a good option. As you know, we always try to have as little impact on the Earth as possible and just throwing coal on the stove has always felt like a conflict with this desire. But the need for warmth outweighs our ecological principles at -4 degrees! Until now. So lets look at the benefits of burning Ecoal50…

So the Olive stones or other biomass used is a waste product of another industry and in their life have helped absorb carbon dioxide, so that’s a great start. Coupled with the fact that 50% less coal is having to be unearthed and the contained carbon of that coal can stay where we need it, in the ground!

So how is it in reality? Firstly the briquette is a hexagonal shape which doesn’t sound important, but stacks in the stove in a way that allows air to circulate all around - More oxygen = better burn. It is also very clean to handle unless it’s wet or you are at the dregs of the bag!

Another huge factor is it’s longevity whilst burning. Of all the coals we’ve tried since being on the boat, this one really is a revelation. The actual briquette stays together so well that its ability to be backed up and make it through the night while still producing heat is one of its main benefits, regardless of its ecological merits. As mentioned in our ‘coal test vlog’ for our first three years, the stove was the only source of heat, and our fuels ability to make it through the night releasing at least a low level of heat, was essential.

Finally it’s last property that sets this unique coal aside from its peers is it’s ability to set alight and get going quickly. Technically I’m not sure what enables this? Is it the shape? Biomass content? I don’t know, but it is easy to light and keep in.

So I understand you didn’t ask, but if you were to ask us “whats the best coal” it would undoubtedly be our new favourite black stuff - Ecoal50.


Ecoal is available from the guys and gals at or you can ring directly on 0345 450 1474 or pretty much every coal merchant stocks or can get hold of it for you.

So if you already are ahead of the game and are using Ecoal50 whats your opinion? similarly if you are new to the game and have just tried Ecoal50 for the first time what do you think?

Thats all for this week… Roses and Castles challenge should be finished by the weekend and we can show you how are things turned out, don’t forget to watch and vote. You guys decide the outcome!

Stay Afloat

Love yourself

Stay Warm



chris pickering