Bug Spray.

It may not be obvious, and it certainly wasn’t mentioned in the training I undertook. There are a range of things we are trained to do to mitigate risk. Site Assessments, Risk Assessments, Notams, Weather checks and numerous other procedural checks. These are all to enable a safe flight keeping the public, property, other air users and the operator safe.

In my training, curious livestock were mentioned and bird attacks, nobody mentioned insect attacks. And no I don’t mean attacking the drone, I mean attacking me. My good self, who needs to have a steady hand, be observant and concentrate. Believe me, this is tricky when you are literally being attacked and eaten alive by horseflies in the beautiful gardens of Hawkstone Hall, or the tranquil wood that surrounds Peckforton Castle.

I remember a flight wearing just shorts that resulted in some painful allergic swelling from insect bites to my legs and have since begun to wear trousers. Why this didn’t result in a logical decision to cover up my arms also, I really don’t understand!?

So the result of all this painfully gained wisdom is a new piece of essential kit. Bug Spray! I now wear long sleeves and have a good squirt of bug spray before the shoot. Jungle formula is what I recommend and find to be the best.

So if you are starting on your journey piloting drones, remember your bug spray and don’t fly without it!!!


Don’t fly without it!!!