Top Ten Books of 2020

2020 was an extraordinary year in so many ways, not least of all because it was the year that, Shell read more books than she had ever done so before in all her 42 years! Skip to January 2021 and not 3 hours ago we were sat in bed with our morning coffees both reading our respective current books! So we shall start the list with one of Shells favourites but otherwise in no particular order……

  1. Once Upon a River - Diane Setterfield

  2. Lanny - Max Porter

  3. Natives - Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala

  4. Micro Adventures - Alistair Humphreys

  5. The Foragers Calendar - John Wright

  6. Finding Ultra - Rich roll

  7. The Salt Path - Raynor Wynn

  8. The Descent of Man - Grayson Perry

  9. The Artists Way - Julia Cameron

  10. Feral - George Monbiot

I think that’s a pretty well rounded list for the year. Natives came just before the events unfolded around George Floyds murder in America, and is a stark reminder that their institutional racism mirrors ours exactly.

Feral was eye opening if not popping! I will never again look at a rhodendendron bush again without understanding what devastation this bush has on our native landscape. Worst of all is having the barren landscapes of the Lake District, the Highlands of Scotland and the Brecon Beacons forever seen as the desertification that sheep and deer herding has resulted in, and not the lush deciduous woodlands that we should have.

Micro Adventures, was a total inspiration. I read about heady Summer nights around camp fires, sleeping under the stars and maximising time outside. All whilst the wind, rain, sleet and snow battered the outside of the narrowboat. In the process of buying a bivvy bag and challenging Shell to some adventures that will take us both out of our comfort zone.

The Descent of Man, is an honest and unflinching look at what it is to be male and the garbage that surrounds it. We are both huge fans of Mr Perry and not just for his art, if covid allows we are hopefully spending an evening with him in October, and his “Show for Normal people’!!!

The year started with The Artists Way after I had heard it mentioned more than once on my favourite podcast Rich Roll. In the heat and colourful assault on the senses that was Thailand in November 2019, we made a pact with each other to live more creatively. If like us that is something you wish to achieve in any of the Arts then we cannot recommend TAW enough.

The Salt Path, was the first novel of 2020 for Chris, and he fell in love with this couple having lost everything and setting off on an extraordinary journey with little of the correct gear or understanding of what they were about to achieve. it is multi layered and a fascinating study on the love and will of a couple in love faced with the harshest of predicaments and having seemingly no way out.

The Foragers Calendar came at the end of the best season for what nature has to offer. But is always near to hand as we prepare to utilise natures larder much more in 2021, and are hoping to upskill ourselves in both the art of foraging and preserving that which we find.

Finding Ultra, is the autobiographical account of how exercise and diet helped Rich Roll to become what we know today, leaving behind the drug and alcohol addiction of his lawyer past, and becoming something of a lifestyle guru. If you have no interest in health or going plant based, this is still an exemplary study on being at the bottom of the barrel and climbing out.

Lanny, is the second book by author Max Porter who’s first offering, Grief is the thing with Feathers is one of my favourite books and felt starting Lanny that he could not top that. But he has. Lanny is incredible, mesmerising and beguiling. It is Chris’ favourite novel of the year.

So we end with number 1. Once Upon a River. And thank goodness for Amazon recommendations. This accompanied by the beautiful cover by @whittaker_book_design meant we were already on to a winner. The mythical story revolves around a River and is just beautiful in both imagination and writing. And Has become Shell’s favourite book (so far!).

So that’s our combined list. Have you read any? Share your favourite titles of 2020 and happy reading for 2021!!!

chris pickering