End of an Era

As most of you that follow us on facebook or Instagram, will know by now, we lost Shadow our grumpy little old man to old age on the 30th July. Almost a year to the day, give or take a couple of weeks, that we lost Kodie.

So now we are pupper less, and the hole that this has left is immeasurable. Losing Kodie was a huge loss and very hard to come to terms with. Although, the grief was partly managed with the preservation of routine. Although long walks with the puppers were a thing of the past even when Kodie was here. Just the toilet walks and having to think of Shadow in every decision that we made, lessened the pain. It preserved that wonderous thing that it is to be a dog owner. The cuddles, the outdoors, never having to pick up dropped food, the smell, the hair (everywhere), the joy of a wagging tail, the bad breath and the inappropriate (unexpected) licks, never going to the toilet on your own, the smell of burning fur on the wood burner, being able to blame them for bad smells literally all the joy that it is to be a furry parent…..

And now that has gone.


The boat smells better and we don’t have to hoover every day. They are literally the only benefits of not having a pooch in your home. And the hermit mentality has already set in. And it isn’t a conscious thing. You literally just don’t leave the Boat as often. I must admit on cold, wet, dark and miserable mornings/evenings I can see this as being a plus. In the midst of winter wrestling the pooches at the door to towel them off before they come back inside, that distinct wet dog aroma, muddy paw prints all of the things that aren’t that easy to deal with when you live in a confined space. All of it matters not though, I’d have them back in a heartbeat.

So our immediate future is definitely going to be without dog(s). This has a lot to do with some big changes that are coming that will be revealed at the start of September. And we have a desire for two big trips in the coming years. A tour of Iceland and then New Zealand. And don’t feel it fair or appropriate to get another pooch until we have rid ourselves of that wanderlust.

Until then we have a few things to do, not least of which saying goodbye to the little dude. Kodie had lived with us for all but the first six months of her life, and as such it’s perfectly right and proper that she now resides with us on the boat. Her ashes are on Shells work bench so that she has company every day.


Shadow on the other hand was once our neighbours pooch who lived in the little village we resided in until we purchased our boat. And it was at that time, Alan, Shadows previous owner, battled and eventually succumb to cancer. And as we had reassured him we took the little dude in and gave him another life with us and Kodie. And then a life afloat on our boat adventures.

Shell and shad.jpg

So we have decided to return to our little village and scatter him on what was his walk route with both Alan and ourselves, in the hope that he can once again find Alan. Even now three years later after moving from Moulton, we still return to that circular walk, as it’s simply beautiful. It is a walk that takes in some of rural Cheshire, and the banks of the beautiful River Weaver, and was the place that first sparked that desire to live an alternative life afloat. This will make future walks there even more special….

Rest in peace, Fluffs. Our heart still aches for that one last cuddle. To feel your warmth and happiness… You have gone but you will never be forgotten.
