Quick and EASY Rice Milk.

Hey Crew,

So we are in lockdown and we are commited to just a single shop each week. This is going pretty well considering the size of our fridge! Refrigeration aside, this week we have run our of nut milk and it’s another three days until shopping day! So my immediate thought was to reach for the Oat milk as we featured on the Narrowboat Chronicles IGTV which you can view here. But I currently have excess of two things - time and rice.

So I try a rice milk recipe that is featured in Scott Jureks book Eat and Run, which I highly recommend. He suggests adding a teaspoon of rock salt and frankly, no! The first batch was to salty by far so I had a play with the recipe and this is what got the thumbs up from both me and Shell.

In a blender add 3 Dates, 8 Cashew Nuts, 1 cup of cooked rice and 4 cups of Water and leave to soak for a hour. Then blend for a good few minutes to blitz all solid components and then strain through a nut milk bag.


And that is that….. My second attempt I added some of our recent Dandelion Honey, but thought that was a little to sweet and wouldn’t be available to everyone. So added the dates for their sweetness, cashews for their oil to thicken the milk and it has come out really well. So does this mean the end of shop bought vegan milk alternatives? Yes!

let us know if you try this and if you have any other dairy free milk alternate recipes?

Stay Safe